We are called to experience God's love through Jesus Christ,
accept the salvation He offers, and share it with others.
1. God is Creator and is Three-in-One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
2. Human Beings are Sinners, Who Need to be Saved
3. God Works in our Lives through the Holy Spirit
4. We are Part of Christ’s Universal Church
5. We Believe that the Kingdom of God is Both Present and Future Reality
6. The Scriptures are Authoritative in Matters of Faith and practice.
7. We are Justified by Grace Through Faith
8. All Christians are Called to Ministries of Building up the Church, Reaching Out to the World, and Working for Justice
1. Prevenient Grace: God’s love surrounds all humanity and precedes any and all of our conscious impulses. It is this grace that awakens in us a longing for deliverance from our sin.
2. Justification and Assurance: In justification we are, through faith, forgiven our sin and restored to God’s favor.
3. Sanctification and Perfection: Justification does not end God’s saving work in us. Sanctification is God’s continual work in our lives to grow in our love of God and neighbor.
4. Faith and Good Works: Faith is the only response essential for salvation. A living faith is evidenced through good works.
5. Mission and Service: Personal salvation involves Christian mission and service to the world.