The North Manchester United Methodist Church provides numerous small group opportunities:
With two major retirement communities, North Manchester has a relatively large population of senior adults. And with age comes a variety of health related issues. In response to this growing need, our 3B exercise class is designed especially for seniors. We meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m, in the fellowship hall. "3B" stands for "body, brain and belief." It focuses on increasing balance, strengthening muscles, creating more flexibility, expanding focus and memory and nurturing one's faith.
Angie Briner and Judi Brown co-teaching the classes. There is no cost for this program. People are welcome to come to the first class and try it out! You do not need to attend all classes to reap the benefits.
There are Bible study opportunities in the fall and spring in which you can learn about the Bible and grow in relationship to one another. In addition, there are ongoing study groups for both men and women. Stop by and check us out - commitment free! We would love to have you join us!
Our Church Ministry Teams are:
Our church facilities features a beautiful courtyard, managed by a small group of hard working and talented individuals. Our courtyard has even been known to be included in the Annual Garden Tour from time to time!
We believe that God answers prayers. Our prayer team meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., sanctuary. Please join in of a brief time of direceted prayer, then the sancruary remains open until 7:00 pm for silent prayer.