North Manchester United Methodist Church
North Manchester United Methodist Church


We offer a variety of worship experiences to meet your personal preferences, both traditional and blended. PowerPoint is used in both services for those who enjoy hands-free worship. Hymnals and Bibles are located in the pews for those who prefer a more traditional worship experience. Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month.

Prayer Service

If you like to start your day out early, you'll enjoy our 8:15 a.m. service. Our worship includes traditional organ music, the singing of hymns, the reading of Scripture, the proclamation of the Word, and a time for sharing and prayer. For those who wish to support our church financially, offering plates are located in the back of sanctuary.

Blended Service

Our blended service takes place at 10:30 a.m. It includes all the elements of the traditional service, an offering, and a choir anthem, but also incudes the occasional singing of praise songs and interactive moments.

Special Sundays

Communion Sunday

Holy Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of the month in the pews. On one of the Sundays in late spring or early summer we will serve communion by Intinction in the courtyard and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

Come as You Are Sunday

The fourth Sunday of the month is Come as You Are Sunday. You're encouraged to wear casual clothing and enjoy a more informal environment.

Noisy Change Offering

The last Sunday of the month is noisy change offering. Please bring your extra change laying around the house and help support our church missions.

Choir Cantatas

The Chancel Choir leads worship on Christmas and Easter with one of their outstanding cantatas. Terry often recruits special from Manchester University and the community to help provide an exceptional worship experience. Our church is known for their outstanding music ministry.

Contact Us

North Manchester United Methodist Church

306 E 2nd St.

North Manchester, IN



Phone: 260.982.7537


Or use our contact form.

Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Spread the word and raise awareness about what we do. The best way to do it is through social networking!

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© North Manchester United Methodist Church